This model interfaces with the SurgiSTUD Ankle stand to provide a platform for training Weber B fracture procedures. The skin and radiolucent soft tissues allow for realistic surgical approach and radiographic evaluation. The collateral ligamentous structures replicate the tension of a human ankle specimen and cortical, cancellous, and intramedullary regions of bone react realistically to cutting, reaming, rasping, and drilling with high biomechanical and tactile fidelity.
This base model allows you to build your own customized ankle by choosing which anatomical structures you would like to include or exclude from the model. Included with the base model is the tibia, fibula, talus and other foot bones with all major ligaments and simplified subtalar capsule.
This model has a Weber B fracture in the fibula and can optionally include a fracture in the medial malleolus.
This platform can be expanded to include distal structures to train various procedures in a single model.